Table I-1 – Ambient Air Quality Standards








These Rules and Regulations are adopted pursuant to the provisions of Division 26 of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California and shall be known as the Rules and Regulations of the Mendocino County Air Quality Management District.




(a)      The jurisdiction of the Mendocino County Air Quality Management District shall be coterminous with the existing boundaries of Mendocino County.


(b)      The Mendocino County Air Quality Management District lies within the North Coast Air Basin.


The North Coast Air Basin is comprised of the Counties of Del Norte, Trinity, Humboldt, Mendocino, and that region of Sonoma County designated as the Northern Sonoma County Air Pollution Control District.

[Amended 5/6/03]




These rules and regulations are set forth to achieve and maintain such levels of air quality as will protect human health and safety; prevent injury to plant and animal life; avoid damage to property; and preserve the comfort, convenience and enjoyment of the natural attractions of Mendocino County.


It is the intent of the Mendocino County Air Quality Management District to adopt and enforce rules and regulations which assure that reasonable provisions are made to achieve and maintain state and federal ambient air quality standards for the area under the District’s jurisdiction and to enforce all applicable provisions of State law.



The procedures and restrictions set forth in these rules and regulations shall be administered by the Mendocino County Air Quality Management District within its area of jurisdiction as authorized by Section 40002 of the California Health and Safety Code; Chapter 3, Part 3, Division 26 of said code; or by contractual agreements between districts in accordance with the provisions of Section 40701 of said code, and further described in Section 90120 of Title 17 of the California Administrative Code.




Except as otherwise specifically provided in these rules and regulations, words used in these rules and regulations are used in exactly the same sense as the same words are used in the federal Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 and as amended at the time of application, Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 52.21, and Division 26 of the State of California Health and Safety Code.  Where Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 52.21 refers to the responsibilities of the Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the term Administrator shall be construed to mean Air Pollution Control Officer.

[Amended 5/6/03]


(a1)      Agricultural Operation: 

The growing and harvesting of crops, or the raising of fowl, animals or bees as a gainful occupation, or forest management, or range improvement or in the improvement of land for wildlife and game habitat, or disease or pest prevention.


(a2)      Air Contaminant: 

Any discharge, release, or other propagation into the atmosphere directly, or indirectly, caused by man and includes, but is not limited to, smoke, charred paper, dust, soot, grime, carbon, fumes, gases, odors, particulate matter, acid, or any combination thereof.


(a3)      Air Pollution Abatement Operation: 

Any operation that has as its essential purpose a significant reduction in the emission of air contaminants or the effect of such emission.


(a4)      Air Pollution Control Officer (APCO): 

The Air Pollution Control Officer of the District


(a5)      Ambient Air Quality Standard: 

The specific concentrations and durations of air pollutants that reflect the relationship between intensity and composition of pollution to undesirable effects.


(a6)      Approved Combustibles: 

Brush, trees, and other vegetation grown on the property where it is to be burned.


 (b1)     Baseline Concentration: 

That ambient concentration level which exists in the baseline area at the time of the establishment of the applicable baseline date as determined in accordance with Section 52.21 of the Code of Federal Regulations. (40 CFR 52.21(b)(13))


(b2)      Best Available Control Technology (BACT): 

An emissions limitation based on the maximum degree of reduction of each air contaminant subject to regulation under the federal Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 and as amended at the time of application emitted from or that results from any stationary or portable source or modification, which the Air Pollution Control Officer, on a case by case basis, taking into account energy, environmental, and economic impacts and other costs, determines is achievable for such stationary source through application of production processes and available methods, systems, and techniques for control of such air contaminants.  Said BACT determinations may include a design standard, operational equipment specifications, fuel restrictions, work practice or combination thereof.  In no event shall application of BACT result in emissions of any pollutants that will exceed the emissions allowed under Rules 1-490 and 1-492 of this regulation.  If the reviewing authority determines that technological or economic limitations on the application of measurement methodology to a particular emissions unit would make the imposition of an emissions standard infeasible, a design, equipment, work practice, operational standard or combination thereof, may be prescribed instead to satisfy the requirements for the application of BACT (40 CFR 52.21(b)(12)).


The BACT process shall be applied to any air contaminants that have been identified as toxic air contaminants (TAC) by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the California Air Resources Board or the Mendocino County Air Quality Management District Board.


(c1)      CAAA: 

The Federal Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990


(c2)      CAPCOA: 

California Air Pollution Control Officer’s Association

(c3)      CCAA: 

California Clean Air Act


(c4)      CFR: 

Code of Federal Regulations


(c5)      Combustion Contaminants: 

Matter discharged into the atmosphere from the burning of any kind of material, excluding carbon dioxide and water.


(c6)      Compression Ignition (CI): 

Compression ignition internal combustion engine.


(c7)      Control Strategy: 

A combination of measures designed to reduce air contaminant emissions in accordance with the State Implementation Plan for the Mendocino County Air Quality Management District.


(d1)      District: 

The Mendocino County Air Quality Management District as required by California Health and Safety Code, Section 40002 or a multi-county unified district authorized by Chapter 3, Part 3, Division 26, of said code.


(d2)      Dust: 

Minute solid particles released into the air by natural forces or by mechanical processes such as grading, crushing, grinding, milling, drilling, demolishing, shoveling, conveying, bagging, sweeping, etc.


(e1)      Emissions: 

The act of passing into the atmosphere an air contaminant or gas stream that contains an air contaminant, or the air contaminant so passed into the atmosphere.


(e2)      Episode Alert: 

A condition in an air basin whenever the concentration of any air contaminant in that air basin has been verified to have reached a predetermined level that threatens the ambient air quality standard as defined in Rule 1-160 depending upon the particular topography and meteorology of the air basin. "Verified" means the pertinent measuring instrument has been checked over the following fifteen-minute period and found to be operating correctly.


(f1)      Fumes: 

"Fumes" means vapors, mists, and airborne liquid or solid particulate matter or any combination including these.


(g1)      Geothermal Operations: 

Those activities related to the extraction, transmission, and utilization of geothermal steam that may directly, or indirectly, result in air contaminant emissions.


(h1)      Hearing Board: 

The appellate review board of the Mendocino County Air Quality Management District as provided for by Section 40800 of the California Health and Safety Code.


(i1)       Impact/Baseline Area: 

That area where the concentration of emissions from a proposed source is predicted to be 1 ug/m3 or greater, using an Environmental Protection Agency approved ambient air quality model.


(i2)       Indirect Source: 

A facility, building, structure or installation, or combination thereof,  that indirectly results in, or is projected to result in unmitigated emissions  in excess of the following:  ROG – 180 lbs/day, NOx – 42 lbs/day, CO – 690 lbs/day, PM10 – 80 lbs/day.  Projected unmitigated emissions are to be generated using the latest ARB approved version of URBEMIS with the Mountain and Rural Counties default settings, or other ARB approved indirect source model.  In any model the latest available fleet, meteorology, and trip generation information will be used and the model run for each season.            Amended 5/6/03]


(i3)       Installation: 

The placement, assemblage or construction of equipment or control apparatus at the premises where the equipment or control apparatus will be used, and includes all preparatory work at such premises.


(m1)     Major Modification: 

“Major Modification” as it applies to gasoline dispensing facilities means the addition, replacement, or removal of an underground storage tank, underground piping, vapor piping within a dispenser, or a dispenser of an existing installation.  The replacement of a dispenser is not a major modification when the replacement is occasioned by end user damage to a dispenser.


(m2)     Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT): 

An emissions limitation which is not less stringent than the emissions limitation achieved in practice by the best controlled similar source, and which reflects the maximum degree of reduction in emissions that the permitting authority, taking into consideration the cost of achieving such emission reduction, and any non-air quality health and environmental impacts and energy requirements, determines is achievable by the source.


(m3)     Modeling: 

A procedure for estimating the ambient air concentration of air contaminants based upon emission profiles, dispersion simulations or other techniques approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the California Air Resources Board and/or the Mendocino County Air Pollution Control Officer.


(m4)     Modification: 

"Modification" means any change in the structure, location, operation, conditions of operation, process materials or fuel of any stationary source that may increase or decrease the amount of any air contaminant emitted into the atmosphere by that source, and that is not already specifically allowed by a permit to operate issued by the District.  An increase in production rate or in hours of operation beyond limits set in the permit to operate from the District is a modification.  Otherwise, an increase or decrease in production rate or in hours of operation is not a modification.


(n1)      Net Increase in Emissions: 

The amount by which the sum of any increase in actual emissions from a particular physical change or change in method of operation at a stationary source, and any other increases and decreases in actual emissions at the source that are creditable in accordance with 40 CFR 52.21(b)(3) and (21), exceeds zero.


(o1)      Operation: 

Any physical action resulting in a change in the location, form or physical properties of a material, or any chemical action resulting in a change in the chemical composition or the chemical or physical properties of a material.


(o2)      Orchard, Vineyard, or Citrus Grove Heater: 

Any article, machine, equipment or other contrivance, burning any type of fuel or material capable of emitting air contaminants, used or capable of being used for the purpose of giving protection from frost damage.


(o3)      Organic Gas: 

Any molecular gas containing carbon and hydrogen, or carbon and hydrogen in combination with any other element.


(o4)      Owner: 

Includes, but is not limited to, any person who leases, supervises or operates equipment, in addition to the normal meaning of ownership.


(p1)      Particulate Matter: 

Any material, except uncombined water, that exists in a finely divided form as a liquid or solid at standard conditions.


(p2)      Permit: 

Refers to either an authority to construct, temporary permit to operate or permit to operate, whichever is legally in effect. 


(p3)      Person or Persons: 

An individual, public or private corporation, political subdivision, agency, board, department or bureau of the state, municipality, partnership, co-partnership, firm, association, trust or estate, or any other legal entity whatsoever that is recognized in law as the subject of rights and duties.


(p4)      Portable Source: 

All units of air contaminant emitting articles, machines, equipment or other contrivance that are designed to be moved from location to location, whose emitting source is not the motive power for such moving, and that does not have a valid California Portable Equipment permit.


(p5)      Potential to Emit: 

The maximum capacity of a stationary source to emit an air contaminant under its physical and operational design, after considering physical and operational limitations that are enforceable by conditions imposed by the District in both the Authority to Construct and Permit to Operate. (40 CFR 52.21(b)(4))


(p6)      PPM: 

Parts per million by volume expressed on a dry gas basis.


(p7)      Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) Increment: 

The maximum allowable increase of ambient air quality above baseline concentration in the three classified areas.

Allowable PSD Increments
micrograms per cubic meter



Class I

Class II

Class III

Sulfur Dioxide




             Annual Arithmetic Mean




                    24-hour maximum*




                       3-hour maximum








Total Suspended Particulate




             Annual Arithmetic Mean




                  24-hour maximum*








Particulate Matter PM-10




             Annual Arithmetic Mean




                  24-hour maximum*








Nitrogen Dioxide




                         Annual Average




*   Not to be exceeded more than once a year.





(p7)      Process Weight Per Hour: 

The total weight, including contained moisture of all materials introduced into any specific process which may cause any discharge into the atmosphere.  Solid fuels charged will be considered as part of the process weight, but liquid and gaseous fuels and combustion air will not.  The "process weight per hour" will be derived by dividing the total process weight by the number of hours in one complete operation from the beginning of any given process to the completion thereof, excluding any time during which the equipment is idle.  For continuous processes, the average hourly total weight of materials introduced into the process will be used in calculations.


(p8)      Precursor: 

A substance that, when released to the atmosphere, forms or causes to be formed or contributes to the formation of another or secondary air pollutant for which a national ambient air quality standard has been adopted, or whose presence in the atmosphere will contribute to the violation of one or more national ambient air quality standards.  Presently identified precursors and secondary pollutants are:


Precursors                                               Secondary Pollutants


Reactive organic gases                               a)         Photochemical oxidants (ozone O3)

                                                                                    b)         Organic fraction of PM10


Nitrogen Oxides (NOx)                             a)         Nitrogen dioxide (NO2)

b)         Nitrates NO3


Sulphur oxides (SOx)                                a)         Sulfur dioxide (SO2)

b)                  Sulfates (SO4=)


(s1)      Section: 

Refers to a section of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California unless some other statute is specifically mentioned.


(s2)      Significant: 

The potential of a new or modified source to emit air contaminants that would equal or exceed any of the following rates, calculated on the basis of 24-hour emissions profiles:

Air Contaminant                         Significant Emissions Rate

Carbon monoxide                                      550 lbs. per day

Nitrogen oxides                                         220 lbs. per day

Sulfur dioxide                                            220 lbs. per day

Particulate matter                                       135 lbs. per day

PM-10                                                        80 lbs. per day

Ozone                                                       220 lbs. per day of VOCs * 

Lead                                                             3 lbs. per day

Asbestos                                                         .038 lbs. per day

Beryllium                                                         .002 lbs. per day

Mercury                                                        0.5 lbs. per day

Vinyl chloride                                                5.4 lbs. per day

Fluorides                                                     16 lbs. per day

Sulfuric acid mist                                         38 lbs. per day

Hydrogen sulfide (H2S)                               54 lbs. per day

Total reduced sulfur (including H2S)            54 lbs. per day

Hazardous Air Pollutant (HAP)

  listed pursuant to Section 112(g)

  of the federal Clean Air Act

  Amendments of 1990 and as

  amended at the time of application             10 tons per year of any one HAP

                                                                   25 tons per year for two or more HAPs

* Volatile Organic Compounds except for ethanol sources below the EPA yearly threshold (40 tons per year).


Not withstanding the above significant emissions rates for various air contaminants, significant also means any net emissions increase from any new or modified stationary source that would be constructed within 10 kilometers of a Class I area and have an air quality impact on such area equal to or greater than 1 microgram per cubic meter (24 hour average). (40 CFR 52.21(b)(23)(iii))  The above Significant Emissions Rates are not to be used for CEQA determination.


(s4)      Stacking: 

The venting of geothermal steam from associated unit steam supply transmission line into the atmosphere during associated power plant shutdowns (outages), startups or load curtailments.


(s5)      Standard Conditions: 

As used in these regulations, refers to a gas temperature of 20 degrees Centigrade (68 degrees Fahrenheit) and a gas pressure of 760 millimeters of mercury absolute (14.7 pounds per square inch absolute).


(s6)      Standard Cubic Meter of Gas (Standard Cubic Foot of Gas): 

The amount of gas that would occupy the specified cubic measure, if free of combined water, at standard conditions.


(s7)      Stationary Source: 

All units of air contaminant emitting articles, machines, equipment or other contrivances, which are located on adjacent or contiguous properties under the control of the same person (or persons under common control) and all of which are determined by the Air Pollution Control Officer to be related to one another through a similar product, raw material or function and are included in the same standard industrial classification.


(s8)      Steam Generating Unit: 

Any furnace or boiler used in the process of burning fuel for the purpose of producing steam by heat transfer.


(t1)      Total Reduced Sulfur (TRS): 

"TRS" means total reduced sulfur contained in hydrogen sulfide, mercaptans, dimethyl sulfide, dimethyl disulfide or other organic sulfide compounds, all expressed as hydrogen sulfide.  Sulfur dioxide, sulfur trioxide, or sulfuric acid mists are not to be included in the determination of TRS.


(t2)      Toxic Air Contaminant: 

"Toxic air contaminant" means any substance identified by the Air Resources Board as a toxic air contaminant pursuant to California Health and Safety Code, Section 39650 et seq., or listed as a hazardous air pollutant pursuant to Subsection (b) of Section 112 of the federal Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. Sec. 7412(b)).


(t3)      Trade Secrets: 

As used in these rules and regulations, Trade Secrets include, but are not limited to, any formula, pattern, process, tool, mechanism, compound, procedure, production data, or compilation of information which is not patented, which is known only to certain individuals within a commercial concern who are using it to fabricate, produce, or compound an article of trade or to perform a service having commercial value, and which gives its user an opportunity to obtain a business advantage over competitors who do not know or use it.


(u1)      URBEMIS:

Urban Emissions Model.  A CARB approved computer program that can be used to estimate emissions associated with land development projects in California such as residential neighborhoods, shopping centers, office buildings, and construction projects.




In the event of atmospheric conditions causing a dangerous or potentially hazardous concentration of air contaminants, the Air Pollution Control Officer shall take immediate action in curtailing those emissions known to be contributing to a possible episode situation.




In accordance with the provisions of Government Code, Section 6254.7, all air pollution monitoring and emissions data in the possession of the Air Quality Management District are public records.  All information, analyses, plans or specifications that disclose the nature, extent, quantity, or degree of air contaminants or other pollution which any article, machine, equipment or other contrivance will produce, which are in the possession of the Air Quality Management District, are public records, with the exception of certified "trade secrets".  Trade secrets may only be certified as such upon written request by the owner of said secrets and concurrence of the Air Pollution Control Officer.  Within 10 calendar days of receipt of any documents containing trade secrets, so designated by the owner, the Air Pollution Control Officer shall:


(a)   Make a determination of certification of the documents containing trade secrets and notify the owner that the documents will be placed in a locked file to be made accessible only to the staff of the Air Quality Management District or to the public following a court order.


(b)   Return to the owner all documents that have been designated as trade secrets, following a determination by the Air Pollution Control Officer that they are not necessary in conducting the activities of the Air Quality Management District.


(c)   Notify the owner that the Air Pollution Control Officer has determined that the documents do not meet the criteria established for trade secrets.  All such documents will be considered as public records and will be so designated at the end of a 30-day period, unless the owner files an appeal with the Air Quality Management District Hearing Board.


Upon written request, any specific public records in the possession of the Air Quality Management District will be made available to the public within 10 calendar days.  Such requests shall be in writing and a reasonable fee may be charged, not to exceed the actual cost of providing the requested information.

[Amended 5/6/03]




The ambient air quality standards of the Mendocino County Air Quality Management District shall be those established by the California Air Resources Board and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.  (See Table 1-1)

[Adopted 5/6/03]




(a)   If any provisions of these regulations shall be rendered void or unconstitutional by judicial or other determination, all other parts of these regulations that are not expressly held to be void or unconstitutional shall continue in full force and effect.


(b)   These regulations are not intended to permit any practice which is in violation of any statute, ordinance, order or regulation of the United States, State of California, county or incorporated city; and no provisions contained in these regulations are intended to impair or abrogate any civil remedy or process, whether legal or equitable, which might otherwise be available to any person.


(c)   These regulations shall be liberally construed for the protection of the health, safety and welfare of the people of Mendocino County.





Table I-1 – Ambient Air Quality Standards


Averaging Time

California Standards

Federal Standards

Concentration 3

Method 4

Primary 3,5

Secondary 3,6

Method 7

Ozone (O2)

1 Hour

0.09 ppm (180 mg/m3)

Ultraviolet Photometry

0.12 ppm (235 mg/m3)8

Same as              Primary Standard

Ethylene Chemiluminescence

Ultraviolet Photometry

8 Hour


0.08 ppm (157 mg/m3)8

Respirable Particulate Matter (PM10)*

Annual         Geometric Mean

30 mg/m3

Size Selective Inlet Sampler

Gravimetric or Beta Attenuation


Same as              Primary Standard

Inertial Separation and Gravemetric Analysis

24 hour

50 mg/m3

150 mg/m3

Annual        Arithmetic Mean

20 mg/m3

50 mg/m3

Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5)

24 Hour

No Separate State Standard

65 mg/m3

Same as              Primary Standard

Inertial Separation and Gravemetric Analysis

Annual        Arithmetic Mean

12 mg/m3

Gravimetric or Beta Attenuation*

15 mg/m3

Carbon Monoxide (CO)

8 Hour

9.0 ppm (10 mg/m3)

Non-Dispersive Infrared Photometry (NDIR)

9 ppm (10 mg/m3)


Non-Dispersive Infrared Photometry (NDIR)

1 Hour

20 ppm (23 mg/m3)

35 ppm (40 mg/m3)

8 Hour           (Lake Tahoe)

6 ppm (7 mg/m3)




Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)

Annual        Arithmetic Mean


Gas Phase Chemiluminescence

0.053 ppm (100 mg/m3)

Same as              Primary Standard

Gas Phase Chemiluminescence

1 Hour

0.25 ppm (470 mg/m3)


Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)

Annual        Arithmetic Mean


Ultraviolet Fluorescence

0.03 ppm (80 mg/m3)


Spectrophotometry (Pararosaniline Method)

24 Hour

0.04 ppm (105 mg/m3)

0.14 ppm (365 mg/m3)


3 Hour



0.5 ppm (1300 mg/m3)8

1 Hour

0.025 ppm (655mg/m3)





30 Day Average

1.5 mg/m3

AIHL Method 54 (12/74)

Atomic Absorption




Calendar Quarter



1.5 mg/m3

Same as              Primary Standard

High Volume Sampler and Atomic Absorption

Visibility Reducing Particles

8 Hour

(10 am to 6 pm PST)

In sufficient amount to produce an extinction coefficient of 0.23 per kilometer - visibility of ten miles or more due to particles when relative humidity is less than 70 percent.











24 Hour

25 mg/m3

Ion Chromatography*

Hydrogen Sulfide

24 Hour

0.03 ppm (42 mg/m3)

Cadmium Hydroxide STRactan

Ultraviolet Fluorescence

Vinyl Chloride9

24 Hour

0.01 ppm (26 mg/m3)

Gas Chromatography

* On June 20, 2002, the Air Resources Board approved staff’s recommendation to revise the PM10 annual average standard to 20 mg/m3 and to establish an annual standard for PM2.5 of 12 mg/m3.  These standards will take effect upon final approval by the Office of Administrative Law, which is expected in September, 2003.  Information regarding these revisions can be found at http://www/

See also footnotes below



1.   California standards for ozone, carbon monoxide (except Lake Tahoe), sulfur dioxide (1 and 24 hour), nitrogen dioxide, suspended particulate matter – PM10, PM2.5 and visibility reducing particles, are values that are not to be exceeded.  All others are not to be equaled or exceeded.  California ambient air quality standards are listed in the Table of Standards in Section 70200 of Title 17 of the California Code of Regulations.


2.   National standards (other than ozone, particulate matter, and those based on annual averages or annual arithmetic mean) are not to be exceeded more than once a year.  The ozone standard is attained when the fourth highest eight-hour concentration in a year, averaged over three years, is equal to or less than the standard.  For PM10, the 24-hour standard is attained when 99 percent of the daily concentrations, averaged over three years, are equal to or less than the standard.  For PM2.5, the 24-hour standard is attained when 98 percent of the daily concentrations, averaged over three years, are equal to or less than the standard.  Contact U.S. EPA for further clarification and current federal policies.


3.   Concentration is expressed first in units in which it was promulgated.  Equivalent units given in parentheses are based upon a reference temperature of 25°C and a reference pressure of 760 mm of mercury.  Most measurements of air quality are to be corrected to a reference temperature of 25°C and a reference pressure of 760 mm of mercury (1,0132 millibars);  ppm in this table refers to ppm by volume, or micromoles of pollutant per mole of gas.


4.   Any equivalent procedure that can be shown to the satisfaction of ARB to give equivalent results at or near the level of the air quality standard may be used.


5.   National Primary Standards: The level of air quality necessary, with an adequate margin of safety, to protect the public health.


6.   National Secondary Standards: The level of air quality necessary to protect the public welfare from any known or anticipated effects of a pollutant.


7.   Reference method as described by the U.S. EPA.  An “equivalent method” of measurement may be used but must have a “consistent relationship to the reference method” and must be approved by the U.S. EPA.


8.   New (federal) national 8-hour ozone and fine particulate matter standards were promulgated by U.S. EPA on July 18, 1997.  The national 1-hour ozone standard continues to apply in areas that violate the standard.  Contact U.S. EPA for further clarification and current federal policies.


9.   The ARB has identified lead and vinyl chloride as ‘toxic air contaminants’ with no threshold level of exposure for adverse health effects determined.  These actions allow for the implementation of control measures at levels below the ambient concentrations specified for these pollutants.